
What is a crypto curency and 10 most impoartant crypto to invest other than bitcoin

  What Are Cryptocurrencies? Before we take a closer look at some of these alternatives to Bitcoin, let’s step back and briefly examine what we mean by terms like cryptocurrency and altcoin. A cryptocurrency, broadly defined, is virtual or digital money that takes the form of tokens or “coins.” While some cryptocurrencies have ventured into the physical world with credit cards or other projects, the large majority remain entirely intangible. The “crypto” in cryptocurrencies refers to complicated cryptography that allows for the creation and processing of digital currencies and their transactions across decentralized systems. Alongside this important “crypto” feature of these currencies is a common commitment to decentralization; cryptocurrencies are typically developed as code by teams who build in mechanisms for issuance (often, although not always, through a process called “mining”) and other controls. Cryptocurrencies are almost always designed to be free from government ma...

Dark websites that are worth visiting......

  Although the dark web doesn’t host any search engines  like Google , it’s still possible to navigate the landscape of the dark web through search engines and directories – if you know where to look. A number of the following sites might help you along your way. Remember that  you need to open these onion links in the Tor Browser  for them to work. Is the Dark Web Illegal? Using Tor to access the dark web isn’t illegal. But while browsing the dark web won’t get you into any legal trouble, engaging in illicit activities would. For example, purchase drugs or firearms through the dark web is illegal, and you’ll be held liable for your actions. Caution: Visiting Dark Web Links? Safety First! If you venture on the dark web, it’s wise to take some safety measures. Since the dark web is unregulated, there is an increased risk of malware infections and cyber criminals going after your data. Make sure you have antivirus software installed and always use a VPN. A VPN enc...

How to surf dark web ? dark web surf kese karein Guide to Browsing Dark Web using TOR Browser

The world wide web, much like real life, is so massive that it would take you a lifetime to traverse every nook and cranny. To compound that fact, by the time you were halfway done, so much more content would have been created and updated that you’d have to start all over again. All of this is well known, but how many of you are aware that the content you usually encounter on the web is barely the tip of a massive iceberg of information? Imagine a real iceberg The top protrudes above the water and is visible, yet the real bulk of the iceberg is below that, unseen. The world wide web is similar, in which the regular sites we visit are the top of that iceberg. This includes common sites such as Wikipedia, Google and even the millions of blogs that come and go daily. Beneath the water lurks the deep and dark, hidden from view for various reasons, the Dark Web. Less nefarious is the information that skims the surface of the Dark Web, in a zone called the Deep Web. That belongs to large cor...

हैकिंग क्या है? हैकर क्या है? केसे होती है? क्यूं होती है?

हैकिंग क्या है?  Hacking  का मतलब होता है Computer system में से कमजोरी को ढूँढ निकालना और फिर उसी कमजोरी का फ़ायदा उठा कर उस Computer के मालिक को blackmail करना. Hacking एक इंसान Computer के जरिये करता है जिसको हम  hacker  कहते हैं और उसे Computer का और Computer knowledge का भरपूर ज्ञान होता है इसलिए वो दूसरों की Computers से data चुराने में माहिर होता है. Hacking का नाम सुनते ही पता चल जाता है की ये एक गलत काम है क्यंकि ये illegal होता है और ऐसा करने से एक व्यक्ति को सजा भी हो सकती है. लेकिन हर बार hacking करना गलत नहीं होता क्यूंकि सभी hackers एक जैसे नहीं होते, कुछ अच्छे hackers होते हैं और कुछ बुरे hackers होते हैं. अच्छे और बुरे hackers कौन होते हैं और वो क्या करते हैं चलिए आगे इसके बारे में जान लेते हैं. हैकर क्या है? hackers तिन प्रकार के होते हैं, उनमे से दो hacker बुरे होते हैं जो बुरा काम कर लोगों को नुक्सान पहुचाते हैं और एक hacker अच्छा होता है जो इन दोनों बुरे hackers से हमे बचाता है. अच्छे hacker को White hat hacker कहते हैं, बुरे hacker को Black hat ha...